In recent years, many situations such as leaking credit card information and using people’s credit cards have emerged in online shopping. In order to prevent such problems and to enable people to shop in a safer environment, the use of 3D Secure enabled these situations to come to an end. So what is 3D Secure that prevents the card from being used without the cardholder’s consent? Let’s learn What is 3D Secure together in this article.
3D Secure are systems that allow the creation of private keys and passwords during shopping. The 3DS Payment system developed by VISA and MASTERCARD is accepted by almost all banks in the world. It is very important to ensure the security of the cardholder in payments made by credit card through e-commerce sites or any internet site. These security are provided by a joint study between banks and companies.
There are different 3DS (Secure Shopping) options for purchases made through e-commerce sites. In general, for payments to be made on digital platforms, the bank that the cardholder works with asks people to verify that they are theirs with a special option. Generally, the verification option differs according to the bank working on the screens that appear during shopping.
- Confirmation code sent via SMS to the cardholder’s mobile phone
- The key code sent via the mobile application of the bank where the cardholder works
- Confirmation via mobile app
- Information known to the cardholder
In many ways, it is requested to verify that the transaction is done safely. Generally, a special password is sent to the mobile phone number to which the consumer’s card is linked, when the payment is made with the 3DS payment method in our country. Unless the customer enters this special password, no payment is made from the card.
In a special research conducted by VISA and Mastercard, it was seen that 88% of people who had hesitations about shopping online before, thanks to the 3DS payment system, shop online. Based on this research, it can be said that 3D payment method allows virtual stores to be more reliable in the eyes of customers.
Apart from that, a different situation was as follows. Although the payment was made by the cardholder himself, as a result of the customer’s objection, the bank deposited the money into the customer’s account unconditionally. This led to a decrease in bank turnover and an increase in operational processes. However, thanks to the 3DS feature that has entered our lives, such problems have been prevented for banks and companies.
In addition, companies using 3DS make it easier for people who make transactions from debit and credit cards to obtain information about the real owner of the card.
Thanks to the 3DS feature on e-commerce sites, people know that they are transacting on a more secure platform, which allows companies to gain loyal customers and increase the purchases made through e-commerce sites.
Sites with 3DS sell more than sites without 3DS.
The 3DS system is very important for companies engaged in e-commerce, as well as for cardholders, and this system has many benefits for cardholders.
- Thanks to the 3DS system, card information is protected in online shopping. However, since the system is very easy to use, people can shop securely.
- With 3DS transactions, people can easily shop from their cards. Transactions are carried out quickly with this outgoing verification code, as people will be verified by message.
Thanks to the 3D payment system, the grievances of virtual stores have decreased very seriously. The consumer, who pays for the product with the 3DS payment method, cannot make any objections because he himself has entered the code that came to his phone.
The 3D payment method not only prevented the victimization of virtual stores, but also allowed the reputation of the virtual store in the eyes of the bank and the customer to increase. While the customer tends to shop more at the e-commerce store with a reliable payment method, he has had the opportunity to work with the stores for a much longer period of time at the banks.
People who want to make 3DS Activation transactions can usually activate this system through the banks they work with. In order to make transactions with 3DS, people must apply to the banks they hold cards and activate this feature. Even if people want to turn off their 3DS transactions, they should apply to the banks with the relevant bank and credit cards and deactivate this feature.
If you wish, you can also close your 3DS transaction by using options such as internet banking, mobile banking or telephone banking. However, in some cases, when the 3DS feature is requested to be turned off, your bank will ask you for certain security information and will turn off your 3DS feature after it has concluded that you are the person who wants to make the transaction.
E-commerce companies are also required to activate 3DS transactions. Because while some banks require this feature, others want the company that will use virtual pos to decide. For this reason, if you want people who enter your e-commerce site to do their shopping in a safe environment, one of the first things you should do is to contact your bank.
While shopping online, many people may encounter 3D Secure errors on the payment screen. When evaluated in general, it has been seen that there are several reasons for 3D Secure errors.
- Failure to activate security for your card
- Browser-based processes
- No confirmation message from the bank
- The card is closed for online shopping.
In such cases, 3D Secure errors can be received. You can resolve the error you received because your card has not been activated by security, by contacting your bank’s customer service representative. For this, security activation is required.
In some cases, people may also get browser-related errors. What needs to be done here is to try to make the relevant purchase using a different browser.
Sometimes, you may not receive messages for 3d Secure security when shopping online. In such cases, you will need to check the mobile phone number to which your card is linked, and if there is an error, you will need to contact your bank and change the phone number.
Many 3D Secure errors in online shopping are due to the fact that the card is closed for e-commerce shopping. Generally, people share their cards on the payment screen and after that, the 3D Secure code comes, but even if the code is entered, the shopping is not completed. Therefore, if you encounter such an error, you should check whether your card is open for online shopping.